Your Backyard
Like a streamlined armored car, a beetle looms up over
the horizon line of a leaf. It is one of the strangest animals in the world.
Some beetles can support hundreds of times their weight. If an African elephant
did as well it could carry a freight train on its back!
From the tip of a rose shoot, a frosty gray robber fly, designed like a pursuit plane, darts aloft, snatches a gnat from the air and returns to its perch. It has seen its tiny victim through bulging compound eyes that contain as many lenses as the eyes of several hundred beings. An ant runs this way and that, it is following a scent trail of special secretions laid down by others of its kind.
Nearby, a curious swelling on a leaf forms the edible home of a baby gall fly. In depositing its eggs within the tissues of the leaf, its other injected chemicals caused the swelling, or gall. Snug within a dining room equipped with edible walls, the tiny grub dwells in safety, protected from enemies from without and provided with ample food within.
Psalm 19 in the Bible begins with these words,
AThe heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork.@ The sun, the moon, the stars, the grass, the trees, the flowers the birds, the bees, land animals and water creaturesCall these and more tell us there is a God. Truly the fools says in his heart there is no God (Psalm 14:1). These things are clearly seen and they tell us of God=s great power and wisdom. They tell us about God in a general way.But
there is more about God than could ever be discovered in nature. It takes a
closer look. It takes a desire to stop and search out God to know Him better. It
takes a look at His Book to discover Him for all that He reveals about Himself.
Psalm 19 continues,
AThe law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.@Do you simply know about God from what you can see? Or do you know God from exploring the riches of His Word, the Bible?
Why not read from the Bible today? Why not read Psalm 19?
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