George Washington
History tells how George Washington found rest and relief in prayer
during the trying times he and his soldiers passed through at Valley Forge. With all the
cares and anxieties of that time upon him, he used to have recourse to prayer. One day a
farmer approaching the camp heard an earnest voice. On coming near he saw George
Washington on his knees, his cheeks wet with tears, praying to God.
The farmer returned home and said to his wife, "George Washington will succeed! George Washington will succeed! The Americans will secure their independence!"
"What makes you think so, Isaac?" asked his wife.
The farmer replied, "I heard him pray, Hannah, out in the woods today, and the Lord will surely hear his prayer. He will, Hannah, thee rest assured he will."
Later during the first part of the presidency Robert Lewis, Mr.
Washington's private secretary said that he accidentally witnessed Mr. Washington's
private devotions, both morning and evening. He saw him in a kneeling posture with an open
Bible before him, and he said that he believed such was his daily practice. His custom was
to get to his library at four o'clock in the morning for devotions.
Such was the foundation on which the United States of America was built. God's Word says, "Blessed is that nation whose God is the LORD" (Psalm 33:12) and again "Righteousness exalts a nation" (Proverbs 14:34). What a good beginning our country had! We are blessed today because our early leaders feared God. Oh, they had their problems to be sure. They were sinners just like you and me, but their fear of God helped build a great country.
In the middle of our many problems today we need the Lord. Oh that we might be again a people of prayer, a people of devotion to the living God. Perhaps not many will pray and bow their knees to God, but how about you? You can be blessed. You can be exalted. Blessed is the man or woman or boy or girl who trusts in the Lord.
If I can be of help to you in knowing the Lord or if you would like to write me a note write to:
Birds Sing - People Praise (video)
"Mister Steve"