A newborn seal faces a problem right away. It is an animal whose
only hope of survival and defense lies in the sea. So guess what it must do?
The answer, of course, is that the seal pup must learn to swim.
This is obvious to you and me, but not to the pup. The water is strange and cold. When the
mother tries to coax the pup into the water it sets us a tremendous squealing. But the
mother goes right on with the swimming lessons. First she encourages the youngster to
follow her into the
water. If that doesn't work, she pushes the
pup in with her flipper. She dives in after the youngster and swims back and forth nearby
ready to give the pup help if help is needed.
God wants His children--those who have received the Lord Jesus Christ by faith, believing that He died for them and arose again--to keep going on and growing up. He does not want us to stop learning new truth from His Word. Some lessons might seem hard to learn. There are some things we might not want to do. It is then that the all wise, all powerful, all knowing God uses the people and problems around us to coax us and push us in the direction we need to go.
The mother seal does not ask the baby seal to do something that is
beyond its ability to do. Instead the mother seal tries to get the pup to do what it
really was made to do. Even so, God never asks us to do anything that is beyond our
ability to do in His strength. He will never allow people or problems that are too big for
us to face. We must trust our heavenly Father and keep growing up.
The Bible says, [1 Peter 2:2] "As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby." And again it says [2 Peter 3:18] "...grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."
If you know Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour then grow up to know Him better and love Him more.
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Hear our two minute daily message at 860 344-1103 (It might be a toll charge for you)