In many animals the outer
ear flap is moveable and works like a hearing trumpet or collecting disk to gather sound
waves. Crickets, though, hear with spots on their front "knees" while many bugs
hear with spots on their chest or abdomen. The bat has ears similar to ours, but very few
people can hear in the bat's range of 20,000 to 130,000 vibrations per second. Sounds
lower than 20
vibrations per second, heard by some birds, are also out of our
hearing range, but can affect the body with dizziness and nausea.
The circles of feathers around the
owl's eyes help it to hear. These facial discs have tightly packed feathers around the
rims which channel or direct high frequency sounds, like the squeaks of a mouse, into the
owl's ears behind the discs. Owls turn their head to balance the sound in both ears and
thus learn the
precise directions of a sound. When complete darkness hinders their remarkable vision,
their ears pinpoint their prey with complete accuracy. In addition their extremely soft
feathers make them able to glide in complete silence.
The hearing
ear, and the seeing eye,
the LORD hath made even both of them.
Proverbs 20:12
Human ears are wonderfully
sensitive. We can hear sounds from a baby's breathing to the deafening roar of a
supersonic jet and a full range of musical notes. Thank God for good ears, but how well do
we use them? Sometimes we hear the sounds, but we don't pay attention. Sometimes we don't
How very important it is to hear and obey. In fact, the Hebrew word in the Old Testament
means both to hear and to obey. It is important to hear and obey mom and dad. It is most
important to hear and obey God.
God made ears that we might pay attention to Him. "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear" Matthew 11:15. To His disciples the Lord Jesus said, "Blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear" Matthew 13:16. And again He said, "Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it" Luke 11:28.
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