Children's Bible Ministry

The Bear

wpe19.gif (3747 bytes)Yawn! The grizzly bear turned its face toward the wind and jogged swiftly through a lonely pine forest. Snow was gusting all around. It was time to go to bed. The bear sank down on the bed of boughs it had gathered days before, fitted itself back into the rounded earth, rolled its nose into its belly and covered its head with its paws. The bear=s body relaxed, it growled bear1.wmf (7306 bytes)softly and began to pass into the deep and mysterious sleep that would lower its temperature and slow down its heartbeat and breathing. In this marvelous state of hibernation sleep, the bear could live through the cold, foodless winter.

God has given many animals the ability to store up food in their bodies and sleep through the winter, but God has not given man this amazing ability. We can only go so long without food and water and sleep or we die. We need food and rest each day.

bible6.gif (2439 bytes)It is the same in spiritual life. Those who have become children of God through faith in Jesus Christ need spiritual food each day. We must read from God=s Word each day for wisdom and strength and growth. We cannot store God=s strength. God is pleased to give us strength for each bible6.gif (2439 bytes)moment as it comes. He does not give us tomorrow=s strength today. We must come to God each day for new mercies, for new strength, for more grace. God is faithful to give it, just like He was faithful to give manna to the Israelites in Exodus 16, but they had to collect it each day.

Someone has said that one day without feeding from the Lord and His Word and God knows it; two days and I know it; three days and the whole world knows it (by our bad attitudes).

Have you spent some time with God today? Remember, God=s children cannot hibernate.

"It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22-23.

If I can be of help to you in knowing the Lord
or if you would like to write me a note write to:
"Mister Steve"